You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.7. Inventory - Credit Goods Received > Entering Credit Goods Received Lines > Enter Credit Goods Received Line - Serial Numbers
Enter Credit Goods Received Line - Serial Numbers

This menu option is only enabled if the selected item has FIFO/serial numbers activated (for more information, refer to "File - Inventory - Purchasing"). You use it to select the actual item being returned from the list of FIFO/serial number entries. Ensuring that the correct serial numbers are returned keeps your stock and item costing correct.

  1. Display the Enter Credit Goods Received Line screen.

Refer to "Entering Credit Goods Received Lines".


Micronet displays the Select Serial Numbers screen.

  1. Either double click on the serial number of the item you are returning, or select the serial number then press Enter.

Micronet displays the Serial Numbers screen. The Allocate Now field shows the original quantity received of the item to be returned.

  1. Enter the quantity to be returned in the Allocate Now field and then select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Select Serial Numbers screen with the quantity of the item to be returned shown in the Allocated field.

  1. Repeat the previous steps, if required, to enter the amount to be returned of other serial numbers of the same item.
  2. When you have finished entering quantities to be returned of the serialised item, select the Ok button on the Select Serial Numbers screen.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Credit Goods Received Line screen.